Australia - Phone Number Directory

0884706958 / (08) 8470 6958 / +61 8 8470 6958

Origin: Adelaide Type: Fixed Line
Views: 172 Comments: 1 Rating: Neutral

Did you receive a call from the number 0884706958 / (08) 8470 6958 from Adelaide and don't know who it is? See suggestions other people have left about this number or share your own comment.


10 July 2023: 8470 6958 claimed to be calling about a survey for SA Health. Would give no details about what the survey was for (other than for SA Health) or what details would be required. Unfortunately the accent was Asian and speaker very hesitant about revealing anything. If this call was legitimate then SA Health need to train survey staff far better than this because this caller came across as just one more annoying phishing scammer.

By Anonymous on

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