Canada - Phone Number Directory

6045842771 / (604) 584-2771 / +1 604-584-2771

Origin: Surrey, BC Type: Fixed line or Mobile
Views: 114 Comments: 3 Rating: Neutral

Did you receive a call from the number 6045842771 / (604) 584-2771 from Surrey, BC and don't know who it is? See suggestions other people have left about this number or share your own comment.


The phone number is associated with Sunshine housing cooperative & CLT community land trust, with negative F rating and allege reports of fraud,corruption, cover up & Unaffordability by current members.

By Google dorks on

I did a google search for sunshine unfortunately You are correct Angel very negative feedback & a lot of controversies involving that place.

By Patrick on

The phone number is associated with Sunshine Housing Cooperative, a non - profit organization located in Surrey,British Columbia currently under (5) federal and (7) provincial investigations & also a subject of over (30) complaints. Two main names mentioned in all the investigations & complaints: David Foulds & Mary Lou Woldu. All informations regarding active investigations due to sensitivity are currently not available,however redundant complaints reports can be obtained by submitting a Freedom of information request. #CHILDABUSE #HARRASMENT #BULLYING #DOMESTICVIOLANCE


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